
Active trading and investing
in global capital markets

Within the Global Markets division, K&L Rock appreciates both client money and its own investment funds based on price movements of the underlying assets.

Within the Global Markets division, the K&L Rock Group appreciates both client funds and its own investment capital based on price movements of underlying assets.

In addition to stock investments, where we focus exclusively on the world's most developed capital markets in the USA and Western Europe, we also actively trade currency pairs and commodities ranging from energy to grains.

We structure our mix of segments and sub-segments with long-term division stability in mind and a low correlation between different asset types in the portfolio. Thanks to the experience of our team of analysts and portfolio managers, who are among the top specialists in identifying investment opportunities, and through the integration of automated trading elements, the Global Markets division aims for a long-term double-digit annual return.

Rozdělení portfolia

Aktivní trading
Automatizovaný trading


In the stock sector, our company engages in stock investments, combining stock picking with long-term holding of indexes or ETFs. This approach is based on the buy-and-hold philosophy, meaning that investments are held to take advantage of long-term value growth. We focus on purchasing stocks and indexes during market downturns or adding new titles to the portfolio. Our strategy is conservative, emphasizing a limited number of purchases and a concentrated selection of stocks and index funds in the portfolio.

We select undervalued companies with strong economic fundamentals, good management, strong revenues, low debt, and other favorable parameters. Such companies are better able to withstand market downturns or possible panic sell-offs.
Active Trading

Active Trading

Unlike stock investments, this part of the Global Markets division is dynamic, lively, and constantly evolving. Portfolio composition changes almost daily. The goal of active trading is to complement long-term stock investments and be the most profitable part of the division.

The assets that K&L Rock invests in within active trading are diverse, but the most common include the VIX volatility index, emission allowances, energy commodities such as U.S. crude oil and natural gas, cocoa, coffee, wheat, and soybeans. "In active trading, we monitor a wide range of parameters—from fundamental news to market structure, hedgers vs. longs ratio, commodity spreads, and seasonal trends. This way, we identify market advantages and, through proper money management, open positions," explains K&L Rock Group co-founder Erik Kmeť.
Automated Trading

Automated Trading

It shares many similarities with the active trading section, but investment decision-making and trading take place without human intervention. Automated trading systems work by identifying entry and exit points or other strategic values based on predefined conditions and various indicators, then executing trades as needed.

A major advantage of automated trading is the ability to monitor the market 24/7 and seize investment opportunities whenever they arise. It serves as a useful complement to stock investments and active trading. The investment horizon in automated trading typically ranges from days to weeks. This strategy is one of many non-correlated activities, ensuring necessary portfolio diversification for K&L Rock. Additionally, it increases asset liquidity and effectively complements other parts of our business.

Investment Instruments for End Users

Investment Funds

Investment Funds

For qualified investors, K&L Rock Group offers investment opportunities in two investment funds.


At the intersection of the Global Markets and Real Estate divisions lies our bond program. On one hand, it serves to finance K&L Rock Group’s residential development projects, while on the other, it is available to clients as a potential tool for appreciating their money within a diversified investment portfolio.

Division Director

Erik Kmet‘

Erik Kmet‘

Managing Director

As one of the founders of the company, he is involved in the overall running of the group. As Portfolio Manager, he manages the Wealth Management division, specialising in asset management and asset appreciation in the equity markets. The activities of this division are strategically involved in the development of the entire K&L Rock investment group.
Thanks to its many years of experience and vast knowledge of the US stock market, it has achieved excellent results over the long term. His love of sports has taught him not to give up without a fight.