
Residential development
throughout the Czech Republic

We focus primarily on regional projects outside of Prague, which allow us to best fulfill our vision of dignified and quality housing with satisfied customers.

While real estate development in Prague often focuses on maximizing profit and selling as many square meters as possible, which negatively affects the quality of homes and apartments, K&L Rock sees greater value in strengthening the supply of quality housing outside major cities.
The Czech Republic has many attractive locations where people deserve better and newer housing without having to move away from the places where they were born and raised.

The advantage of regional development also lies in faster permitting and approval processes for new constructions, making project planning easier both financially and technically. Since local authorities are not as overwhelmed, it is usually possible to approve, build, and deliver new housing outside of Prague within 2-3 years. In the capital, this process takes at least twice as long.

Naše projekty

Základními nosnými parametry všech stávajících i budoucích developerských projektů skupiny K&L Rock jsou zejména:

  • dodržování termínů výstavby a ceny pro koncové zákazníky
  • vysoký standard bydlení bez ohledu na typ nemovitosti
  • regionální zaměření a výstavba mimo Prahu
  • ohleduplnost k okolí budov a přírodě, důraz na urbanistický rozvoj celé lokality
  • co nejnižší energetická náročnost budov
  • kvalita místo kvantity
Real Estate
Naše ambice

Naše ambice

Dlouhodobou ambicí K&L Rock na poli Real Estate je rovněž spojování funkčního a praktického bydlení s moderním designem. Toho se nám daří dosahovat jednak díky využití našich zkušeností a znalostí realitního trhu, jež nám usnadňují vyhledávání vhodných příležitostí, při realizaci projektů pak zároveň spolupracujeme s těmi nejlepšími architekty a dalšími experty v oboru. Budeme rádi, když se s jednotlivými projekty z Real Estate divize seznámíte blíž.






dokončené projekty

Division Director

Artem Efremov

Mgr. Artem Efremov

Project Development Director

He is responsible for the management of all current and upcoming projects. In cooperation with management, he selects suitable sites and handles their acquisition. Originally a law graduate from university, he is now in his seventh year of complex management of development projects. Currently, he has already successfully completed 12 projects. He has a great managerial mindset and an excellent ability to quickly assess the potential of a given site with all the pros and cons.  He applies his sense of architecture and art very well in his professional life.